Cite day of infamy by walter lord
Cite day of infamy by walter lord

cite day of infamy by walter lord cite day of infamy by walter lord

The hearings were hostile to the two area commanders – General Short and Admiral Kimmel. MAGIC was discussed, but who received it and the details of the reports were not covered. The Commission was charged to determine the facts of the Japanese attack and establish if any dereliction of duty had occurred. This is the Roberts Commission established by presidential executive order, and chaired by Roberts, a justice of the Supreme Court.

cite day of infamy by walter lord

United States Congress Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 39 parts in 19 volumes (U.S. The first was held from 18 December 1941 to 23 December 1942: Owen J.

cite day of infamy by walter lord

Next I’ll summarize the contents of his book and, lastly, suggest some pros and cons.Įight hearings on the Pearl Harbor attack were held over the course of World War II. I want to digress and mention some of the primary and secondary sources upon which authors (including Zimm) base their writings about the attack. His book, however, should not be considered a “fun read.” Students of the subject would benefit by perusing histories about the attack (see below). These do not seriously detract from the attack assessment, making the volume an engrossing study for those readers who consider themselves knowledgeable on the topic. The text contains numerous Latin and French terms as well as acronyms and Japanese terminology (defined in Appendix B). He presents a scrupulous analysis from the viewpoint of the Japanese, but does not neglect the American perspective. Each chapter is a detailed and well-documented evaluation of the background, strategic goals, operational and tactical levels and capabilities, execution, or consequences of the attack. Naval War College combat simulations from 1922-1946) to assess the attack. Zimm employs Operations Research methods and computer simulations (based on U.S. Each of the chapters is focused on one aspect of the background, execution, or consequences of the attack. This 464-page volume has 13 chapters, five appendices, a smallish bibliography (81 books, 17 journal articles or reports, 27 document citations, 24 Internet site entries, and two television program citations), chapter-by-chapter endnotes (a total of 425), and a nine-page index. Zimm points out that his book is not a history of the “Day of Infamy,” but rather a critical look at selected topics like Japanese planning, execution, and post battle analysis of the attack in the context of their overall strategy. He wrote and published the computer simulation “Action Stations! Naval Surface Combat Tactical Simulation, 1922-1945,” which was nominated for Wargame of the Year by Computer Gaming World magazine. He has recently been a section leader of the Aerospace Performance Analysis Group at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where he provides Operations Research analytic support to Department of Defense policy and decision-making processes. Zimm earned a doctorate from the University of Southern California’s School of Policy, Planning and Development. He was also a long-time member of the wargaming community. Like your reviewer, Zimm was “bitten by the Pearl Harbor bug.” He is a game designer who was formerly a highly qualified naval officer (Commander USN, Retired) specializing in operations analysis. One of the most recent publications is Attack on Pearl Harbor by Alan D. It appears that more than 200 articles and books on this subject are published each year. The less comprehensive Library of Congress catalog has 1,247 cataloged items on Pearl Harbor, of which 590 concerns the attack. By September 2014, WorldCat (an international library catalog) listed 18,353 publications and other media on Pearl Harbor among these there are 6,903 catalog records for the actual attack on Pearl Harbor which includes 3,105 books, 1,293 videos/CDs/DVDs, 644 articles, and 134 theses and dissertations. There seems to be no end to new publications on the subject of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. Zimm, Casemate Publishing, Havertown, PA (2011)

Cite day of infamy by walter lord